Abstract Submission

Registration of Posters and Talks

Extension: The abstract submission deadline for talks and posters is 04.02.2024.


Abstract contents and format

  • Abstracts can be at maximum of 2,500 characters (including spaces) and can be written in German or English.
  • It is expected that the language of the title and abstract is identical to the language of the presentation. Figures/ graphs/  illustrations are not possible. When submitting online, the layout of the abstract can be checked by the author.
  • Do not use the title or the name(s) of the author(s) in the body of the abstract.
  • Please formulate clearly and concisely the questions, the methods used, the results and the conclusion of each abstract.
  • Abstract titles should be concise and direct.
  • Please use a minimum of formatting for abstracts. We cannot guarantee that abstracts will be formatted in the exact way as they are entered.
  • Avoid using non-standard abbreviations


  • Please submit your abstracts via internet. Abstracts submitted via e-mail, post, or other methods will generally not be accepted.
  • The conference language is English and German.
  • Abstract submission is possible in English and German.
  • Abstract changes and corrections will be accepted until the deadline on 26. Januar 2024 (midnight, CET).
  • Ensure the citable publication of the abstracts.
  • For presenting authors of accepted abstracts, registration and participation in this conference is binding.

Notifications (Emails)

  • Please note that only the submitting (corresponding) author receives all abstract notifications. Make sure that emails from information@smart-abstract.com are not marked as spam by your email provider.
  • The submitting (corresponding) author takes responsibility for informing all co-authors about successful submission, acceptance or rejection and forwards the received instructions for the presentation of the abstract to the presenting author.